Room for innovation
There has been a rising demand for “on the go” snacks through the recent years. Thus Pringles which can be categorized as one of the “on the go snacks “and thus has an opportunity to be successful in the snack market.
Consumers at present are much more health conscious. Therefore Pringles has an opportunity for innovating Pringles which are healthier.
Social media – advertising
Pringles has many opportunities created through social media.
Pringles has the opportunity in conducting wider brand promotions and brand awareness much more cheaply through social Medias. They also have the opportunities in directly linking with their customers to get feedback.
At present Pringles have been successfully using social media to interact with their customers. Example can be taken by the number of fans Pringles has in Face book. Pringles has more than 27 million likes in face book (Facebook,2015) and roughly 70 tweets per hour.
Figure 1 shows the present leaders in brand awareness through use of electronic media. (Diamond Merger report,2011)
Low inflation rate in UK
The rate of UK Consumer Prices Index inflation fell to 0.3% in January 2015, its lowest level since records began. This definitely has a direct impact on the consumer’s purchasing power.
A lower inflation rate was "excellent news for the consumer's purchasing power", said Howard Archer, chief UK and European economist for IHS Global Insight."With inflation likely to fall further and earnings growth now finally trending upwards, consumers should see appreciable improvement in their purchasing power as 2015 progresses," he said. (BBC, 2015)
As the above statement states, there has been an improvement in the purchasing levels of consumers. Hence this is an opportunity for Pringles to increase their sales.
Figure 2 shows the inflation trend of UK from 2000 to 2014. (BBC, 2015)
Room for Alliances, Joint ventures
Pringles has the opportunities of collaborating with different businesses which can generate many benefits to Pringles.
Example; An alliance with Coca Cola for marketing campaigns, promotion, advertisings, etc. Hence collaborating with such prestigious can create more opportunities for Pringles to increase market share, brand awareness, etc.
UK households
UK still has a higher percentage of households with three or more children than three quarters of the EU – including Spain, Germany, Poland and Greece – (Guardian, 2013)
This is an opportunity for Pringles as their main target audience is children. Hence this could mean Pringles can expect higher sales volume.
Women employment in United Kingdom
The female employment rate reached 67.2 per cent last year, the highest since the Office for National Statistics’ records began.(Guardian,2015)
This indeed is an opportunity for Pringles. Higher rate of women working means higher purchasing power of the mom’s to buy what kids wish for. Hence as Pringles is a snack which is targeted at children, this can be an opportunity to increase sales.
Figure 3 shows the emplyoyment trend of Men & Women in the U.K.(The Independent)
Snack market to reach £3.8 billion by 2016
The U.K. snack market will reach £3.8bn by 2016, according to market analyst Mintel, despite claims from the Snack, Nut and Crisp Manufacturers’ Association (SNACMA) that consumers misunderstand such products. Mintel predicted that the value of Uk snack market would soar by £1bn each year to reach £3.8bn until 2016. (Food Manufacturer UK, 2012)
Hence this is an opportunity and good news for Pringles, as their presence in the market is much more secured in the future.

Figure 1
Figure 2